
2024-10-15 Productivity

Vim Motion Series 3: More Efficient Horizontal and Vertical Movement

By O. Wolfson

We're taking it a step further by combining what we've learned about word and line navigation with more advanced techniques to navigate across multiple lines both vertically and horizontally. We'll also explore how repetition and operators enhance efficiency when working with text, enabling faster editing and refactoring.

More Advanced Line and Word Navigation

In a previous article, we covered motions like w, b, e, 0, ^, and $, which focused on efficient word and line navigation. Now, let's build on that by incorporating motion repetition and operator combinations.

Repetition and Operators

One of the key strengths of Vim lies in its ability to repeat motions efficiently with numeric prefixes. For instance:

  • 2w moves two words forward.
  • 3b moves three words backward.
  • 5j moves five lines down.

This simple yet powerful feature allows you to chain movements across multiple words and lines without manually repeating motions.

You can also combine these motions with operators:

  • d2w deletes the next two words.
  • y3b yanks (copies) the previous three words.
  • c5j changes (deletes and switches to Insert Mode) five lines down.

By learning how to repeat motions and apply operators effectively, you reduce unnecessary keystrokes, making your editing faster and more efficient.

Navigating Across Multiple Lines Efficiently

When dealing with larger files, vertical navigation is just as important as horizontal navigation. Here are some efficient motions to help you move vertically with ease:

Jumping Between Visible Screen Sections

  • H: Jump to the top of the screen.
  • M: Jump to the middle of the screen.
  • L: Jump to the bottom of the screen.

These motions are invaluable when quickly navigating across multiple lines of text, especially when reviewing code or structured documents.

Combining Motion Repetition with Vertical Navigation

  • 5j: Move five lines down.
  • 3k: Move three lines up.

By prefixing motions like j (down) and k (up) with numbers, you can efficiently scroll through your file. Combine these with operators for more effective text manipulation:

  • d3k: Delete three lines upward.
  • y5j: Yank five lines downward.

Enhancing Vertical Movement with Search

In the previous lesson, we introduced the / search command. This becomes even more powerful when combined with vertical movement. For example:

  • Use /^<letter> to find the first line starting with a particular letter, then press n to jump to the next occurrence.

If you frequently move to specific lines or sections, using search commands (/ and ?) is a great complement to the standard motion commands.

Optimized Horizontal Movement

Building on our previous lessons, we can expand horizontal navigation beyond simple motions:

  • f<char> finds the next instance of a character on the current line.
  • F<char> finds the previous instance of a character on the current line.
  • t<char> moves to just before the next instance of a character.
  • T<char> moves to just before the previous instance of a character.

Efficient Line Manipulation

In this advanced stage, you should also be comfortable manipulating text blocks:

  • V followed by a motion (e.g., V3j) selects a block of lines in Visual Line Mode.
  • > and < increase or decrease the indentation of the selected lines.

Combine this with repetition:

  • 3>> indents three lines.
  • 2<< decreases the indentation of two lines.

Practice: Combining Vertical and Horizontal Motions

Let's solidify these concepts with a practice challenge. Create a new practice file:

vim advanced_vim_motions.txt

Paste the following text into the file:

Advanced Vim Motions Practice

- Apply 5j to quickly move down multiple lines.
- Use H, M, and L to navigate across visible screen sections.
- Try combining motion repetition with operators like `d`, `y`, and `c`.
- Use / to search for lines starting with a specific letter.

Repetition with operators:
- Practice d3w to delete multiple words.
- Try y2b to yank the previous two words.
- Use c5j to change multiple lines at once.

Motion and search:
- Use /a to find the next occurrence of "a" in the text.
- Combine motion and repetition with f<char> and F<char>.


Text Reordering Challenge

Rearrange the following sentences in logical order using vertical motions, operators, and visual selection:

This is the end of the story.
The story begins with a mysterious event.
In the middle of the story, tension rises.
Eventually, the story reaches its climax.

Use what you've learned—combine j, k, v, y, and p to reorder the sentences.

Code Reordering Challenge

Rearrange the following code block using motions and visual mode:

let x = 10;
x += 5;
let y = x * 2;


By mastering advanced vertical and horizontal navigation techniques, including motion repetition and operators, you’ll become significantly faster at moving through your files. These motions not only make you more efficient but also reduce cognitive load, allowing you to focus more on the logic of your code or content rather than on repetitive movements.

Stay tuned for our next article in the Vim Motion series, where we'll dive even deeper into advanced text manipulation techniques and custom motions.

Keep practicing and refining your skills to achieve mastery in Vim!

Let me know if you need any further elaboration!