
2024-09-09 web, development, javascript

The 20 Most Essential Core Utilities on macOS

By O. Wolfson


Coreutils, or core utilities, are a collection of essential command-line tools that are included in most Unix-like operating systems, including macOS. These tools provide users with powerful and flexible ways to manage files, directories, and text data on their computer.

Coreutils are important on macOS because they provide users with a way to perform complex tasks quickly and efficiently without needing to rely on a graphical user interface. This can be especially useful for tasks like batch processing, file manipulation, and system administration.

In this blog post, we'll be covering the 20 most essential core utilities on macOS. These utilities cover a wide range of tasks, from file management to text manipulation to advanced system administration tasks. By mastering these tools, you'll be able to work more efficiently on your macOS machine and take advantage of the power and flexibility of the command line.

Section 1: File Management:

  1. ls: The ls command is used to list the contents of a directory.

  2. cat: The cat command is used to concatenate and display the contents of files.

  3. cp: The cp command is used to copy files or directories.

  4. mv: The mv command is used to move or rename files or directories.

  5. rm: The rm command is used to remove files and directories.

  6. touch: The touch command is used to create or update the timestamp of files.

Read an article on file management using core utils.

Section 2: Navigation and Directory Management:

  1. cd: The cd command is used to change the current working directory.

  2. pwd: The pwd command is used to print the current working directory.

  3. find: The find command is used to search for files and directories based on various criteria.

  4. mkdir: The mkdir command is used to create directories.

  5. rmdir: The rmdir command is used to remove empty directories.

Read an article on navigation and directory management using core utils.

Section 3: File and Text Manipulation:

  1. chmod: The chmod command is used to change the permissions of files and directories. We will cover how to use the chmod command to modify file and directory permissions.

  2. chown: The chown command is used to change the owner and group of files and directories. We will cover how to use the chown command to change file and directory ownership.

Read an article about the chmod and chown commands.

  1. grep: The grep command is used to search for text patterns in files.

Read an article about the grep command.

  1. sed: The sed command is used to perform text transformations on files. We will cover how to use the sed command to perform text substitutions and transformations on files.

Read an article about the sed command.

  1. awk: The awk command is used to manipulate and analyze text data.

Read an article about the awk command.

  1. sort: The sort command is used to sort the lines of a file. We will cover how to use the sort command to sort the lines of a file and remove duplicate lines.

  2. uniq: The uniq command is used to remove duplicate lines from a file. We will cover how to use the uniq command to remove duplicate lines from a file.

Read an article about the sort and uniq commands.

Section 4: Archiving and Compression:

  1. tar: The tar command is used to create and extract archive files. We will cover how to use the tar command to create and extract archive files.

  2. gzip: The gzip command is used to compress files. We will cover how to use the gzip command to compress and decompress files.

Read an article about the tar and gzip commands.