2025-02-17 Programming, Productivity

Restoring Files to the Last Committed Version with git restore

By O. Wolfson

When working with Git, it is common to modify files and later realize that you need to discard the changes and return a file to its last committed state. This is where the git restore command proves to be an invaluable tool.

What Does git restore Do?

The command:

git restore <file>

Restores the specified file(s) in the working directory to their state from the last commit. This effectively discards any uncommitted changes to the file(s).

Key Points to Understand:

  • Restores from the last commit: git restore pulls the file's contents from the last committed version in the current branch.
  • Affects only the working directory: By default, this command does not unstage files that have been added to the staging area.
  • Useful for discarding unwanted changes: If you modified a file and want to abandon your edits, git restore <file> is a quick solution.

Example Usage:

echo "New content" > hello.txt
# You realize you want the original version back
git restore hello.txt

This restores hello.txt to the state from the last commit.

Restoring Staged Files:

If you have already staged the file using git add, but wish to remove it from staging:

git restore --staged hello.txt

This unstages the file, but keeps your changes in the working directory.

Combining Both Options:

To restore both the working directory and unstage the file in one go:

git restore --staged --worktree hello.txt

Or using shorthand:

git restore -S -W hello.txt

Summary of Common Options:

git restore <file>Discard changes in working directory
git restore --staged <file>Unstage file, keep changes in working directory
git restore --staged --worktree <file>Unstage file and discard changes in working directory

You can use git restore along with a commit hash to restore a single file to its state from a previous commit. Here’s how:

1. Find the commit from three commits ago:

git log

This will show a list of commits. You can find the hash of the commit you want to restore from.

Alternatively, you can directly reference say three commits back from the current HEAD like this:


2. Restore the specific file to that state:

git restore --source=HEAD~3 -- path/to/file.txt

This will restore path/to/file.txt to its state from three commits back (i.e., HEAD~3), in your working directory.

3. Stage the restored file (if you want to commit it later):

git add path/to/file.txt

Key Notes:

  • This doesn't affect other files—it only restores the specified file.

  • If you don't want to stage it after, you can skip git add.

  • You can use a commit hash instead of HEAD~3 like this:

    git restore --source=<commit-hash> -- path/to/file.txt

Final Thoughts:

The git restore command is a simple yet powerful tool to revert individual files to their last committed state without affecting other parts of your working tree. Knowing how to use it effectively can save time and prevent mistakes in your version control workflow.