2025-02-12 Web Development, Marketing
How to Use React Email in a Next.js Project By O. Wolfson
Email templates have traditionally been built using HTML and inline styles, which can be tedious and inconsistent across different email clients. React Email simplifies this by allowing you to build responsive, component-based emails using React.
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to set up React Email in a Next.js 15 project and send emails using Resend .
1. Setting Up Your Next.js Project
If you donβt already have a Next.js project, create one:
bash Copy
npx create-next-app@latest my-next-email-app
cd my-next-email-app
Then, install dependencies:
bash Copy
npm install @react-email/components @react-email/render
2. Creating an Email Template
Inside your Next.js project, create an emails
directory and add a file called WelcomeEmail.tsx
tsx Copy
import {
Html ,
Head ,
Body ,
Container ,
Text ,
Heading ,
Button ,
} from "@react-email/components" ;
export default function WelcomeEmail ({ name }: { name: string } ) {
return (
<Html >
<Head />
style ={{
fontFamily: "Arial , sans-serif ",
backgroundColor: "#f3f3f3 ",
padding: "20px ",
style ={{
backgroundColor: "#fff ",
padding: "20px ",
borderRadius: "5px ",
<Heading style ={{ color: "#333 " }}> Welcome, {name}!</Heading >
<Text >
We're excited to have you onboard. Click below to get started.
</Text >
href ="https://yourwebsite.com"
style ={{
backgroundColor: "#007bff ",
color: "#fff ",
padding: "10px 20px ",
textDecoration: "none ",
borderRadius: "5px ",
Get Started
</Button >
</Container >
</Body >
</Html >
This component defines a simple email layout with a Heading , Text , and a Button .
3. Previewing the Email in the Browser
To test your email template, create a preview route in Next.js 15.
In app/email-preview/page.tsx
, add:
tsx Copy
import { render } from "@react-email/render" ;
import WelcomeEmail from "@/emails/WelcomeEmail" ;
export default async function EmailPreview ( ) {
const html = await render (<WelcomeEmail name ="John Doe" /> );
return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML ={{ __html: html }} /> ;
Now, visit http://localhost:3000/email-preview to see the email rendered in the browser.
4. Sending the Email with Resend
To send emails, we'll use Resend , an email service that supports React Email.
4.1 Install Resend SDK
bash Copy
npm install resend
4.2 Get Your API Key
Sign up at Resend
Create an API key from the dashboard
4.3 Create a Server Action for Sending Emails
Next, create a server action inside app/api/send-email/route.ts
tsx Copy
import { Resend } from "resend" ;
import WelcomeEmail from "@/emails/WelcomeEmail" ;
import { render } from "@react-email/render" ;
const resend = new Resend (process.env .RESEND_API_KEY );
export async function POST (req: Request ) {
const { email, name } = await req.json ();
const html = render (<WelcomeEmail name ={name} /> );
try {
const response = await resend.emails .send ({
from : "Your Name <hello@yourdomain.com>" ,
to : email,
subject : "Welcome to Our Platform!" ,
return new Response (JSON .stringify ({ success : true , data : response }), {
status : 200 ,
} catch (error) {
return new Response (JSON .stringify ({ success : false , error }), {
status : 500 ,
This API route:
Accepts a POST request with email
and name
Renders the React Email template as HTML
Sends it via Resend
5. Triggering the Email from the Frontend
To send an email from your Next.js app, create a simple form:
tsx Copy
"use client" ;
import { useState } from "react" ;
export default function SendEmailPage ( ) {
const [email, setEmail] = useState ("" );
const [name, setName] = useState ("" );
const [loading, setLoading] = useState (false );
const [message, setMessage] = useState ("" );
const sendEmail = async ( ) => {
setLoading (true );
setMessage ("" );
try {
const res = await fetch ("/api/send-email" , {
method : "POST" ,
headers : { "Content-Type" : "application/json" },
body : JSON .stringify ({ email, name }),
const data = await res.json ();
if (data.success ) {
setMessage ("Email sent successfully!" );
} else {
setMessage ("Failed to send email." );
} catch (error) {
setMessage ("An error occurred." );
setLoading (false );
return (
<div className ="max-w-md mx-auto p-4" >
<h1 className ="text-xl font-bold mb-4" > Send Welcome Email</h1 >
type ="email"
placeholder ="Recipient Email"
value ={email}
onChange ={(e) => setEmail(e.target.value)}
className="w-full p-2 border mb-2"
type ="text"
placeholder ="Recipient Name"
value ={name}
onChange ={(e) => setName(e.target.value)}
className="w-full p-2 border mb-2"
onClick ={sendEmail}
disabled ={loading}
className ="bg-blue-500 text-white px-4 py-2"
{loading ? "Sending..." : "Send Email"}
</button >
{message && <p className ="mt-2" > {message}</p > }
</div >
Now visit http://localhost:3000/send-email , enter an email and name, and click Send Email .
6. Conclusion
You've now set up React Email in a Next.js project! π
β Installed React Email
β Created a WelcomeEmail template
β Previewed the email in the browser
β Set up Resend for sending emails
β Built a server action to send emails
β Created a frontend form to trigger emails
This method ensures emails are maintainable , responsive , and scalable . You can now create more templates and integrate them with transactional emails like password resets, order confirmations, and more.