2024-12-24 Web Development, Programming

Extracting URL Parameters in Next.js 15: A Practical Guide

By O. Wolfson

With the release of Next.js 15, a major paradigm shift has emerged in the handling of URL parameters in server components. This shift simplifies URL parameter extraction while leveraging promises to handle asynchronous operations efficiently. This guide will explore how to work with URL parameters in Next.js 15 and create a minimal page component to demonstrate this in practice.

The New Paradigm of Promised-Based searchParams

In Next.js 15, the searchParams object is introduced to handle query parameters asynchronously in server components. Unlike its synchronous counterpart in previous versions, searchParams in server components returns a Promise, allowing developers to handle parameters that require asynchronous resolution seamlessly.

This approach brings several benefits:

  1. Asynchronous Fetching: Parameters can be fetched and processed with additional data asynchronously.
  2. Enhanced Flexibility: Provides an easy way to process complex parameter logic dynamically in server-rendered components.
  3. Simplified API: Reduces the boilerplate for accessing query parameters in server components.

Practical Implementation: Extracting Parameters in a Server Component

To illustrate the power of promised-based searchParams, let’s create a minimal blog page component that extracts generic URL parameters such as page, limit, and search.

Steps to Extract URL Parameters

  1. Define a Server Component: Use async functions to handle searchParams promises effectively.
  2. Utility Functions: Create helper utilities to handle common cases like default values and type safety.
  3. Fetch Data Using Parameters: Use the extracted parameters to fetch or filter data dynamically.

Here’s how the implementation looks:

import Link from "next/link";

// Utility function to extract the first value from a string or array
function getFirstValue(param: string | string[] | undefined): string {
  return Array.isArray(param) ? param[0] : param || "";

const BlogPage = async ({
}: {
  searchParams: Promise<{ [key: string]: string | string[] | undefined }>
}) => {
  // Await the resolution of searchParams
  const params = await searchParams;

  // Extract parameters with fallback defaults
  const currentPage = Number(getFirstValue(params.page)) || 1;
  const postsPerPage = Number(getFirstValue(params.limit)) || 10;
  const searchTerm = getFirstValue(params.search);

  // Mocked data fetching logic using the extracted parameters
  const posts = Array.from({ length: postsPerPage }, (_, index) => ({
    id: index + 1 + (currentPage - 1) * postsPerPage,
    title: `Post Title ${index + 1}`,
    description: `This is a description of post ${index + 1}.`,

  return (
    <div className="max-w-3xl mx-auto py-10">
      <h1 className="text-2xl font-bold mb-4">Blog Posts</h1>
        {posts.map((post) => (
          <div key={post.id} className="mb-4">
            <h2 className="text-xl font-semibold">{post.title}</h2>
      <div className="flex justify-between mt-6">
        <Link href={`?page=${currentPage - 1}&limit=${postsPerPage}`}>
          <a className={currentPage === 1 ? "opacity-50 pointer-events-none" : ""}>Previous</a>
        <Link href={`?page=${currentPage + 1}&limit=${postsPerPage}`}>

export default BlogPage;

Explanation of Key Components

1. searchParams as a Promise

  • In the example, searchParams is awaited to handle it asynchronously.
  • The params object is resolved from the Promise to access query parameters like page, limit, and search.

2. Utility Function

  • The getFirstValue function ensures consistent handling of query parameters whether they are passed as arrays (e.g., ?category=cat1&category=cat2) or single strings.

3. Data Fetching and Pagination

  • Parameters like page and limit are used to dynamically create a paginated list of posts.
  • Links update the page parameter to navigate between paginated pages.

Benefits of the Approach

  1. Future-Proof: The asynchronous nature aligns with modern data-fetching needs.
  2. Reusability: Utility functions streamline parameter handling, reducing redundant code.
  3. Enhanced User Experience: Dynamically generated data improves responsiveness and interactivity.


The promised-based searchParams API in Next.js 15 marks a significant evolution in server-side parameter handling. By making query parameters inherently asynchronous, developers can now write cleaner and more robust code for handling dynamic data. This guide has demonstrated a practical approach to using this new feature, enabling you to build flexible and scalable applications effortlessly.