2025-01-05 Web Development

Breaking Down the Regex for Phone Numbers

By O. Wolfson

When working with phone numbers in applications, ensuring that the input is properly validated is essential. A commonly used regex pattern for phone numbers is:


You can test this regex with the tool below:

Regex Tester

Let’s break this down step-by-step to understand its components and how it works.

1. Optional Leading "+" with Country Code

  • \+?: Matches the + symbol, often used for international dialing codes, and makes it optional with ?.
  • \d{1,3}: Matches 1 to 3 digits, covering country codes such as 1 (US), 44 (UK), or 358 (Finland).
  • [-.\s]?: Matches an optional separator (hyphen, period, or space).
  • (?: ... )?: Wraps the entire country code block and makes it optional to support numbers without country codes.

2. Area Code with Optional Parentheses

  • \(: Matches an opening parenthesis (.
  • \d{1,4}: Matches 1 to 4 digits, representing the area code.
  • \): Matches a closing parenthesis ).
  • |: Acts as an OR operator, allowing the area code to be matched either with or without parentheses.
  • (?: ... ): Wraps the group to ensure both formats are treated as a single unit without capturing the match.

This ensures that numbers like (415) and 415 are both valid.

3. First Group of Digits

  • \d{1,4}: Matches between 1 and 4 digits, representing the first segment of the local number.

4. Optional Separator

  • [-.\s]: Matches a hyphen, period, or space as a separator.
  • ?: Makes the separator optional.

5. Second Group of Digits

  • \d{1,9}: Matches between 1 and 9 digits, representing the rest of the local number.
  • This broad range accommodates varying phone number lengths across different regions.

Full Pattern in Action

The complete regex pattern:


This pattern can validate phone numbers with a wide range of formats, including:

  • +1 123-456-7890
  • (123) 456-7890
  • 123.456.7890
  • 1234567890
  • +44 (0)20 1234 5678

Caveats and Considerations

  1. International Numbers:

    • This regex assumes a flexible format but doesn’t enforce strict rules for specific countries. For example, it doesn’t validate that the country code matches a real country.
  2. Extensions:

    • This pattern doesn’t handle extensions (e.g., +1-123-456-7890 x123). Additional patterns would be needed for this.
  3. Normalization:

    • After validating, you might want to strip separators to store the number in a consistent format.
  4. Length Validation:

    • While this regex is flexible, you might want to impose stricter length constraints to match specific regional phone number standards.


This regex is a versatile solution for validating phone numbers in various formats, ensuring compatibility with both local and international standards. Pair it with proper error handling and formatting logic to enhance user experience and data consistency in your applications.